If Canada and the us combine it would basically be contenental suicide. If we combined I think it would weaken the us and cause other countries to attack us and take us over while at the same time basically getting a two for one deal. Also if we combined we would definentally not benefit, the only one that would benefit is Canada and that’s only because they wouldn’t have to build a whole army at onetime it would already be built. Also there would be a ton of fightimng and probably start a modern civil war. It would take way to much time and money to transition two countri

10/13/2011 01:57:57 am

Locke McAllister
10/13/2011 04:59:34 am

I agree with you. The U.S. and Canada shouldn't merge it would cause a lot of problems and not much would be positive. Good article, and I agree with you!

maddie b
10/13/2011 05:02:32 am

Good job

10/13/2011 05:29:43 am

Very good post, makes perfect sense. I agree with your statements, especially the part about Canada being the only one who would benefit. And canada sucks


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