A few minutes ago i finished reading a article on CNN called four legged crossing guard. I was about a very strange occurrence. Clifford mealy and his dog sophy had just moved to greenwich county. Clifford obviously had to get a job so he signed on as a crossing guard on one condition, sophy would be his side kick. Immediately, mentions the article sophy was a huge hit. It even tells how mealy had a special sign made for the dog to carry across the street with each crossing. Dogs are very intelligent i think and this is definitely a great example of how smart they truly are. Mealy tells how this is ljust another way to put a smile on a child's face and he hopes to keep sophy around in the future. Truly who can complain about a smart dog "doing her civic duty", i know i cant.
2/28/2012 06:38:43 am

Well this is really interesting i did think you could train a dog to become a crossing guard that does really prove how smart they are.. ha i could barley teach my dog to sit.


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