Summary-The article about zombies roaming in medieval ireland was very interesting. It was about a few bodies discovered buried next to eachother in a grave. the article said this was uncommon and seemed as if it was done on purpose. Also the bodies had large rocks shoved into their mouths, as if they would come back to life and try to eat people.

Paraphrase-One of the zombies found was between the ages of 40 and 60 years old and the other was 20 or 30 years old. They were laid side by side and had large rocks shoved into thir mouths. paragraph 6
If Canada and the us combine it would basically be contenental suicide. If we combined I think it would weaken the us and cause other countries to attack us and take us over while at the same time basically getting a two for one deal. Also if we combined we would definentally not benefit, the only one that would benefit is Canada and that’s only because they wouldn’t have to build a whole army at onetime it would already be built. Also there would be a ton of fightimng and probably start a modern civil war. It would take way to much time and money to transition two countri